Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 103..40 Plate Chart

When a female reaches puberty, one egg drops down from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes once every month. While this egg is ripe and ready for fertilization, the womb is already preparing itself to receive the union of the sperm and egg to create a new born baby. Just like the garden was already prepared for Adam and Eve. If there is no conception then the womb discards everything that it was preparing for and now casts it out of the body. This becomes the monthly cycle of the show of blood. Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden into the earth (the altar) as there was no conception. (only in the 2nd Adam).

This menstrual cycle stops when the sperm and egg attaches itself to the wall of the womb and then everything starts to unfold to help the two to become one. Did you hear that one? Just like we start out divided and now become one with Yahweh to make one new body. (I like that one)

Once pregnancy takes place, then there is no more offering up of blood, and by the way this is all happening automatically, exactly how Yahweh designed it. Both the woman and the man ain't doing nothing. It's the Father that does all the works. We say with our physical minds, that we created a baby and it's my child, but all we did was have some fun and Yahweh even provided that. It's just like eating, we chew and swallow, but Yahweh does all the works in separating and the breaking down of the food. We planted the seed, and Yahweh forms the child.

Although years ago this was all kept private and not talked about, Yahweh is uncovering the mystery and making it all known. It's Yahweh that creates all things as the physical mind tries to cover or hide these things up, just like Adam and Eve did in the beginning. They hid themselves because they were naked. The world is still covering these things up as in Adam all died. That is why you feel uncomfortable in talking about the naked body because all our lives its been hidden.

The spiritual principle is once you become pregnant by the penetration of divine reality, you will stop offering up your mental sacrifices of what you think good and evil is about yourself and the world. Your words are bloody sacrifices offered up to a sky God; "Look how obedient I am", is a sacrificial work offered up to declare your self-righteousness. It is not acceptable in this age. It is just as dead as what is cast out of the womb every month.

The only acceptable sacrifice is Yahshua the Messiah who was offered up once and for all. Now you can enter the Most Holy Place (where the mystery is made known) in the blood (the life is in the blood) which means He does all the works as you are now in Him.

Now I mentioned all this to get you to know that everything that is happening to us is Yahweh's will. From the egg being ripe and ready and being pushed out of the ovaries every month. To the incredible journey of the sperm fighting its way up to meet the egg. To the womb that is already prepared and waiting for the union of the sperm and egg to be attached which then sets everything else in motion to accomplish this great miracle of Life.

Our spiritual birth is just as marvelous and is also accomplished by the same Spirit (Yahweh) by preparing everything for our journey back to Himself. From the seed within our minds being ripe and ready to receive this divine vision, to the divine womb (Yahweh Elohim the nine divine attributes) already prepared for us to grow and become nourished that will protect us and help in all our ways and yes to even the right timing of our crossing the final veil into immortality. It's all being done for us.

The kingdom is already prepared for us before the foundation of our physical existence into this world. Yahweh knows what He is doing at all times. We are just coming into this realization that produces the change from death to life.

Another witness of us not offering up our sacrifices is when a woman reaches an average age of 50, which is called menopause. Her period stops which corresponds to Pentecost (which means 50) as this was the time Yahweh stopped all sacrifices under the law. No more bloody sacrifices on the right side of the cross.

All these events must be internalized to see what Yahweh is doing in our cloud. The reason for all this information is to expose our works and reveal His which puts us in our rest (7th step = MHP). Yahweh has been doing all the works since the appearance of the sperm and egg, but our physical minds overshadowed the beauty and glory of Yahweh because of our works. See the difference? One is under the law (Ante and Post Diluvian thoughts) and the other is in the Present Kingdom Age (Yahweh revealing His glory as the all in all).

This mind set will change as you witness Yahweh's works first hand in your body and in your spirit which are His. That is how it's done by the revelation of Yahshua the Messiah from heaven (Plate 38). Yes, I am still talking about the 40 plate chart as you can see in Plate 38 all the works being consumed in the lake of fire which releases all the angels into heaven within you. That is all our works being consumed which reveals Yahweh's Kingdom and then you can see who is sitting on your mercy seat.

No more blind faith, but faith built on proof as you become the witness yourself both in the physical and in the spirit. We are not teaching a sky God, but one that lives, moves and has His being as you.

Once the tabernacle was built, then Yahweh fills the sanctuary. All the pieces of Solomon's temple just slipped into place. It all passes smoothly and easily into place, The Most Holy Place which is entering into His Rest (7th step= perfection). The Ark

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