Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 104..40 Plate Chart

When the sperm enters the egg, the door is closed. All those outside will die. Sounds like Noah in the Ark. Once the door was closed, nobody else could get in. In fact Yahweh is the door to let the sperm in and is the same door that closed. Reminds me of the Red Sea, Yahweh opened it and closed it.

Now as the sperm and egg become one, they start to multiply as the genes and chromosomes interlock to form one new creature. Are you listening to what the Spirit is saying? This is not just the story of the sperm and egg.

Once fertilization is complete, the union of the two becoming one,and now has a place already prepared for them as they attach themselves to the wall of the uterus (HP). It is there that they start to get hooked up to the blood system of the mother by the umbilical cord being attached to the placenta. We too get connected up to the pattern of blood, water and spirit to start our multiplication. Don't forget Yahweh fed them in the wilderness (HP) with manna.

I mean who is connecting up all the veins and arteries between the mother and the child? There is a master surgeon at work here. How is this all done without hands? We too have been connected by the same master surgeon only this time the work is all done in our cloud without any of our help. Cell by cell, correlation by correlation, we start to grow and become nourished by the cloud. Protected from the world, Yahweh surrounds us with water from above just as the fetus is protected by water.

The embryo now starts to turn into a fetus (feed us). As each month unfolds the fetus now is taking on a discernible shape and form. Everything is coming out of the head. Are you listening? Eyes, and ears start to form, heart beat is detected, arms and legs start to appear. Notice that the developing fetus at this time is not using its full potential. It can not see yet. It can not really hear yet only sounds afar off. It can not walk, talk or breath the name of Yahweh yet.

It is being formed for its delivery into a brand new world that it has never been in before. Only when it is detached from the mother and the umbilical cord is cut, will it start to breath, talk, walk and really grow in this new age or world. Are you following where I am going?

We too were fed by the physical correlation's as we watched the pattern fit everything in the bible, physical body, science and nature (the woman), but we are not fully developed yet to use all these tools until we are delivered into the reality of Yahweh.

Yes, the new born was fed while in the womb by its mother, which made all the parts grow, but not until it was detached (alone and by itself) did all these organs really function. That is the same with all what we know in the scriptures of blood, water and spirit. They were forming us. Preparing us to go into the new heaven and new earth right now and in ages to come.

The doctor (Doc) is spanking you trying to get you to breath life into your spiritual body by breathing His Name instead of yours. You must come alone and by yourself this time and cut the cord of repetition and see just what has been formed inside your cloud.

Yes, you have seen the works of Yahweh Elohim but that is only your 2nd trip (HP). Come up the 3rd time (MHP) and pick up where you left off and see things that will make you put a veil over your face when you come back down to the earth.

What I am trying to say is that you have got it in yourself. You don't need a prophet to follow anymore. Cut your dependency from the woman and step into The Man as flesh and blood does not enter the Kingdom. Step out into the New World and discover how you can talk, walk and breath in the Name of Yahweh.

Experience Yahweh Elohim appearing in your cloud this time, and not another. You don't need to depend on Doctor Kinley's old lectures as He is talking within you now. He is appearing in your cloud. He has risen and now become a quickening Spirit. Breath what he was experiencing, the divine vision. See Yahweh Elohim in your cloud which will then become phenomenal.

See Him change into the tabernacle (yourself) and then back into Himself, so that you will experience that they are one and the same. Yes, He was with us in all ages, but now He is declaring Himself in you which is Joshua (Yahshua) declaring Himself that He was the one who delivered you out of Egypt and fed you in the wilderness and took you over the River Jordan so that you can inherit the Promised Land.

It was promised to you, that Yahweh would appear in your cloud. The Ark

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