Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 109..40 Plate Chart

In the physical body the system that coordinates all other systems is the nervous system. This is divine Intelligence manifested. The sending and receiving of messages from the brain through the spinal cord and out through the nerves makes our body work in harmony.

Where do these original messages come from to know what to do? It is from the Source, Yahweh Himself. All nine systems in the body is a direct manifestation of the nine attributes working in the physical. You can't see them, but what all 9 systems are doing is the visible manifestation of each attribute. The nervous system is divine Intelligence at work. It is the crown of all the attributes just as the nervous system is in the body.

The brain is the most complex organ in the body. Not only the flesh and blood which makes up the physical brain, but what is going on inside the mind. Now that is a mystery to this day. How do pictures appear in your head? What is consciousness? How do thoughts really come into existence and many more. There are many things happening inside the brain that are invisible which scientist can not see. Remember Yahweh said He would dwell in the cloud which is the gray and white matter of the brain, as this is where our consciousness and our thoughts come from.

The nervous system consist of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. One, two, three. What the brain sends the spinal cord must carry out, as well as the nerves. The nerves are not doing their own thing and they certainly don't have free will of their own. What ever the brain says, everything carries out its will. The brain is in charge, just like Yahweh. What ever Yahweh willed within Himself, the Son (Yahweh Elohim) must carry out in the incorporeal and then in the corporeal. One, two, three.

Yahweh Elohim does not have free will, no more than the spinal cord does. Elohim is carrying out the will of the Father as is the spinal cord with the brain. It's a unity, not a trinity. It's the same Spirit only now it has come out of its rest and is working. If the brain sends a message out, and the spinal cord does something different and then the nerves carry out another message completely different then we are in big trouble. You see what I mean?

If your brain sends a message to scratch your nose and you scratch your bottom, you are in one hell of a mess, smile. If you go to walk and your brain sends a message to lift your right foot and your left hand goes up, then the message is not being carried out in unity. See how this works?

When you think about going into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, your body is carrying out the invisible command inside your head. What ever you will to do, the physical body obeys your commands. Lift your arm, legs, wink, smile, you name it, it obeys.

Next time you are walking and you are thinking about something, look down at your feet and ask yourself who is doing the walking while you were thinking? What is actually happening is your body is carrying out your will when you originally decided to take a walk. The brain, the spinal cord, and nerves all work in unity.

That is the same as Yahweh instituting His will, then taking on shape and form and manifesting in the material. It's one Spirit. These three are ONE. Everything we do from getting out of bed in the morning, to going to work or putting food in our mouth, your brain is sending messages down the spinal cord out into the nerves to move your body. Every time you move, there is a message sent from the brain. Your body is the visible manifestation of the invisible thoughts and desires.

The attributes in plate 2 and 3 will carry out all the commands in all 40 plates. The 40 plates are the visible declaring the invisible attributes, just like all nine systems are declaring the nine divine attributes. Line upon line the messages are being sent from Adam on down to right now. The physical creation is liken to the nerves that are just carrying out the visible will of the Father. The nerves have no covering where as the spine and brain are incased in bone to show their invisibility. Just as Yahweh and Yahweh Elohim are invisible and Yahshua you can see.

What Yahweh instituted within Himself, in His pure Spirit state, He carries out when He takes on shape and form as Yahweh Elohim. When Yahweh Elohim then steps down into physical manifestation, the same will is carried out as well. It's the same message from beginning to end. It's the same Spirit, not three. One message comes down from the brain to the spinal cord and the nerves carry it out. Not three messages, but one.

Now here is the reality. As soon as Yahweh thought this particular purpose up, the purpose was finished when He stepped down into shape and form because He had already declared the end from the beginning. Everything must now carry out His will. The incorporeal and corporeal is now carrying out His entire purpose from start to finish. No free will, only the will of the Father. When Yahweh desires to create another purpose within Himself, then Yahweh is again willing what ever He wills to be. Free will comes in the conception and the unfolding is the will being carried out.

That is why the Son must carry out the Father's will. Not my will, but thy will be done, both in the invisible and the visible. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. When Yahweh took on shape and form as Yahweh Elohim He could not change anything. Why? Because it was finished when He thought it all up back in pure Spirit. The carnal mind will think because Yahweh can't change anything that He has lost His power and is not all powerful. Not so. He doesn't make mistakes, so there is no reason to change anything. Why would He want to change anything when He is divine Intelligence Himself?

Yahweh is not stupid to create a creation and then say, "Oh I forgot to do this or I forgot to say that". Divine Intelligence, Wisdom, and Knowledge knows what is happening at all times because it is everything. It's impossible for divine Intelligence to make a mistake.

Why would Yahweh change His will when He said I will do all my pleasure and My council shall stand. Everything is His will. If everything in the physical is Spirit materialized, then everything is carrying out His will, because He this Spirit Himself. He is not a spirit, He is Spirit.

He didn't really create the creation in reality, He is the creation. He willed Himself to be it, all atoms, cells and molecules as it's His own Source and Substance don't forget. It's a unity or one Spirit carrying His purpose declaring the end right from the beginning. He instantaneously transformed into the entire universe.

When you are walking, your body is actually carrying out the end result of what you thought or desired to do. When you go get a cup of coffee the drinking is the end result of your invisible thoughts to have coffee.

When we were born and came into physical existence everything that was going to make us up was already declared invisible in the spermatic fluid (the cloud). Your end was declared right from your beginning. If you wanted blue eyes instead of brown, you would have to go back into the genes and chromosomes and change them before they took on shape and form. As soon as the sperm entered the egg, everything you were going to be is predestined.

As soon as Yahweh decided to make this particular creation (as this was not the only one), everything was then predestined to be what He willed to be within Himself. Taking on shape and form was what He decide to do when He dwelt in Pure Spirit. Coming down into the physical was what He already thought up to do when He was without any particular shape and form.

We are built in the likeness and image of Yahweh. That is why the brain, spinal cord and nerves work the way they do because they are pointing to Yahweh, Yahweh Elohim and Yahshua. The abstract, the intermediate and the concrete. Spirit, soul and body. The Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit.

So next time you move your arms or legs, smile or talk, think about what is happening. There is an invisible signal coming from the brain traveling down the spinal cord, and going out into the nerves to move what ever you have decided to do. He provided a way for the message to come down from the brain to the spinal cord and out through the nerves. Just think if there wasn't a spinal cord or nerves, then your body could not move at all. This shows you right there that if Yahweh did not take on shape and form and then manifest as the physical , there would be no thoughts or physical creation.

I will tighten this up in the next article. To be continued. The Ark


  1. We like it because it reveals who we truly are and how we actually exist.
