Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 51..40 Plate Chart

If these article are too long then print them, as you can read them at your leisure. These articles should be a pleasure to read as you can pick the time to read them alone and by yourself. I find personally that the afternoons are not my time to read. In the mornings or at night is when they really speak to me. You will find that there are times during your day when you are more alert and get more out of these articles. For instance in the mornings all your physical thoughts have not bombarded you yet and at night your shutting down the physical. Try it.. you will find a great difference.

Plate 30 is called Miracles and Transfiguration which we have already covered. Once again this is when Yahshua transfigured into Yahweh Elohim as he did back with Moses. Same one. This is what we all should be focused on and not just the physical body. Yes, Yahweh is the one who came down into the flesh, but the resurrection is where all the power is. The resurrection is spiritual and not physical.

Plate 31 is called Crucifixion, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension. Without the pattern and not knowing the purpose and plan, most of the world thinks Yahshua resurrected in a physical body. Again he has passed a veil when he comes out of Joseph's new tomb and changes back into Elohim the incorporeal shape and form. He still has the power to appear in a vision as though he has a physical body to those that saw them. That is where the mystery is. This again is setting up the trap for Satan as Satan can not pass the 2nd veil. He is held in bondage to his own distorted vision.

You will see the serpent come up to the cross on the Carnal Ordinance chart. That is what he can only look at, is the physical image on the cross. He follows in his foot steps by copying what Yahshua did in the physical but looses him after the cross. Most of Christianity has him coming out of the tomb in a physical body. We know by the pattern how Spirit comes down out of Pure Spirit, takes on an incorporeal shape and form (without flesh) and then comes into the corporeal (with flesh). As Spirit comes down, it has the power to return the same way and that is why Yahshua can not come out of the tomb as a physical body. Impossible. He is passing the veils.

Those that saw him before his ascension where receiving a vision. He ascends to the Father on a cloud with two men on either side. What's that all about? Just look at your tabernacle pattern in the Most Holy Place with Yahweh Elohim appearing in the cloud between the two ark angels. Those that saw him go up that way where also having a vision and he is coming back in like manna, in a cloud in a vision. And it came to pass.

Once Yahweh changed the age from Post to Present, he appears in the cloud by divine vision. That is what Dr. Kinley experienced within himself and this is what supposed to happen to you. Now we know that Yahshua didn't get aboard a physical cloud in a physical body and go into the sky. Remember he consumed his physical body in the tomb. That is why they couldn't find it. He dematerialized back into Spirit.

Remember he had the power to take it off in the transfiguration, but this time he has removed it for good. Death, burial, resurrection and ascension. Changes, going over veils, and returning to the Father Yahweh. This is what is taking place here. When you eat food it is in a dead state unless you eat chicken as it's flapping its wings. The food is buried in your stomach and finally a small remnant resurrects into your blood system to give life to the body. The food has to change before it can give life to you, right? A seed which goes into the ground changes before it comes up out of the ground. It is what is inside the seed that resurrects out of the dark soil and finally goes into its stages of blossom and fruit.

Looking at an oak seed. You would never in a million years think that a big tree is in there, right? Looking at the sperm and egg you would never think that a fully formed physical body would come out of them. Am I almost right? The caterpillar before it goes into its cocoon does not look like the butterfly that comes out with its wings and flies into the air free from being bound down on earth. Changes folks. Passing veils. Visible to point to the invisible.

Your body is a constant death, burial and resurrection as every 7 years all your cells are replaced except for the brain cells. You can't see this change as it occurs very slowly but you look different than you did when you were a baby, child, teenager, adult and old person. Ever see movie stars appearing in movies a long time ago talking on present day TV? You wouldn't recognize them if you meet them in the street. These of course are all examples, metaphors to get you to see what Yahweh is doing.

The veil between physical body death, dwelling on the earth and disappearing from physical view to become spiritual and invisible is one of the greatest changes. All that is happening is what was animating the body (Yahweh Elohim) changes clothes. You have a physical body and you have a spiritual body. There is Spirit, Soul and body, right? The soul is the inner man, Yahweh Elohim. It is that part of you that is invisible that is in a divine shape and form that knows Yahweh.

Just as the physical body is made up of trillions of cells ( 100 trillion ) which produces its shape and form, your soul is made up of divine attributes which have no end. There is no end to divine Intelligence, or divine Love etc. Those thoughts that know Yahweh as He really is and actually exists are what makes up your understanding of the Father Yahweh. It is an organized invisible shape and form appearing in your cloud/mind made up of divine thoughts without number. How can you know Yahweh without divine knowledge or divine Intelligence? You can't.

The source and substance that is enabling you to comprehend and be aware and conscious of Yahweh who is Spirit, is divine Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, etc. Without that organization of divine attributes within your head, there is no appearance of any divine shape and form. Take away all those divine attributes in your head and what are you left with? Your carnal mind. Millions of physical thoughts that have come together over the years to produce what you call you inside your head. That is not your soul. Your soul is Yahweh Elohim, just as your physical body is not really yours.

The seeds that were planted in your head as you grew up produced your physical mind. The seeds that where planted in you from hearing the Truth is producing Yahweh Elohim to appear in your cloud. That is Yahshua the Messiah in a glorified and resurrected form. Take away what you know about Yahweh and His purpose and plan and you are left with the physical mind. Remove the physical mind out of the way that is blocking your spiritual view and Yahweh Elohim appears.

Remember it was the beautiful angel that overshadowed the mercy seat, which translates into simple language, is your carnal mind. Remove the covering (veil) and guess who is there? Remove the flesh and Spirit appears. Remove the physical body and the spiritual body is made known. Yahweh Elohim appearing in the cloud right now is made possible by the divine vision that you are receiving right now. Truth removes the lie.

Your carnal mind does not have a soul. It was cast out of heaven never to return. It can not pass the veil. It will not be allowed into the Most Holy Place. It is not an acceptable sacrifice. The ingredients of the carnal mind cannot be burnt on the altar of incense and be a sweet smell savor unto Yahweh in the MHP.

Yahshua is the only one who knows how to take the flesh off and go into the MHP. He is the only acceptable sacrifice and the ingredients that was in him (Yahweh Elohim those organized divine attributes) is the only sweet incense to ascend unto the Father. That is why you have to be in Yahshua. That is why you have to be in those divine attributes. That is why the woman has to go back in the Man.

The transformation, the transfiguration, is you coming from a carnal mind into a spiritual mind. That is you coming out of the tomb and resurrecting a quickening Spirit. You can not come out of the tomb as a carnal mind dressed in a physical body. Impossible. That smells dead and if you ever smelled something that is dead it will make you gag. There has to be a change from physical to spiritual.

All those miracles that Yahshua performed in the Post Diluvian Age where only done on those physical bodies. When he resurrected Lazarus from the dead, his body would eventually have to die again. Being dead for 4 days was only a type of all those that died in Adam for 4000 years. The blind man to see, the lame to walk where all done to the physical body in another age. To be resurrected spiritual is eternal. To see in the spirit with your eyes of understanding will not end. To walk in the Spirit will last forever. Greater things will you do because I go to the Father.

In this Present Kingdom Age is where the spiritual miracles are performed. He nailed the flesh to the cross remember. He resurrected a quickening Spirit don't forget. He changed the age from being under the law to being under the law of the Spirit of life. What would be a greater miracle? Having the power to raise a physical body from the dead or a Spirit to live for eternity? If you raised a physical body from the dead it would still have to die in the end to go back to the dust of the earth. As great as that might seem it has its limitations. When the Spirit is resurrected it will not die and will live on in ages to come throughout eternity. Who would want to be in a physical body for all eternity when you can be in a spiritual body without limits or bounds willing to be what you will to be.

See any difference? A living Elohim, or a dead corpse on a cross. Reality, or a type and shadow. The real thing or just an image. The effectual divine working of those attributes from Yahweh (Spirit) or the endless chatter of the carnal mind. Being set free in the Spirit for the Spirit to search all things yea the deep things of Yahweh or the constant vain repetition of the charts without any translation.

There is therefore NOW (when you pass over your own Post to Present Kingdom Age) no condemnation to them which are in Yahshua the Messiah, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Yahshua the Messiah hath made me free form the law of sin and death. (Romans. 8.1-2). Hello, you Yah. The Ark

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