Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 78..40 Plate Chart

Plate 35 is called Resurrection Reconfirmed. This is about Peter being put in prison and how an angel releases him. You will find this in the 12th chapter of Acts. The prison represents the grave and Peter sleeping is a type of death. (Also they just killed James which also makes a death). He was bound by 2 chains which represents Yahshua bound by the Law and Prophets. An angel came unto him and smote Peter on the side. Remember Yahshua was pierced in the side as was Adam when the woman was taken out of him.

When the angel (Spirit) raised him up, the chains fell off from his hands just as Yahshua resurrected a quickening spirit after he had fulfilled the Law and Prophets in the flesh. Peter passed the 1st and 2nd ward and came to a iron gate (veil) which opened by its own accord. If you look at your pattern there is 3 compartments and Peter going through the iron gate represents passing the veil into the Most Holy Place. He had already passed the 1st and 2nd ward.

The gate opening up by its own accord is reflecting Yahweh doing the works which allows us to pass into the presence of Yahweh. Yahweh opens and closes the veils. No free will here as it's Yahweh's will opening our understanding according to the pattern. Our understanding will open by its own accord. Remember only Yahweh has the power to resurrect. Man can not do this. He is stuck in the flesh until Yahweh comes along to resurrect him out. I planted, Apollo's watered, but Yahweh gave the increase (resurrection). That is the Power of the resurrection as no man can do this. It must be the Spirit. Well there goes all your righteousness out the window man.

When Peter came to the house of Miriam (the woman), she could not believe that it was Peter as in her mind he was still chained in prison which is in principle a death in her mind. So here he was appearing to her which resurrected Peter in her mind. The others in her house were also astonished after Peter kept knocking at the door, he revealed himself to them as well. Just as Yahshua appears to the woman and to those disciples in the upper room.

Now this is a brief summary of what happened to Peter as this plate says it's a reconfirmation of the resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah. We all have learned in the Law and Prophets that Yahweh has showed us over and over again all the principles of death, burial and resurrection (Life after death). It is displayed in the seasons of the year when things die in the Fall and become buried in Winter and new life appears in Spring. When we eat food (which is in a dead state) it is buried in our stomachs and new cells appear. All the charts are telling the same story of the death, burial and resurrection over and over again which all points to Yahshua's spiritual resurrection out of the flesh. Even when we have a problem or something is bothering us in our daily life, it is a death or being bound down until it is resolved (resurrected). All our cells and thoughts are a constant death, burial and resurrection.

Seeing all these witnesses in the bible, the physical body, science and nature builds up our faith that Yahweh's pattern works which proves there is life after death.

This will happen in our minds as we resurrect out of our ignorance (death), which has been buried in us all these years (burial), to find and know Yahweh as He really is and actually exist (resurrection). We no longer are bound down to our false concepts and ideas, but are set free to worship Yahweh in Spirit and in Truth within ourselves (in the cloud). This truly is the real resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah.

The charts are our witnesses of how Yahshua is resurrecting within ourselves. If we don't resurrect out of our physical mind a quickening spirit, then all what we have learned means nothing and is just some nice correlations. When it happens to you it reconfirms Yahshua's resurrection 2000 years ago. The one in us is the real resurrection. The sun rising every morning and destroying the darkness by its own light reconfirms what is taking place in us. The seasons of the year and what you eat is pointing to the reality taking place in the cloud and not back in history anymore. Yahweh is not up in the sky, no more than Yahshua is living 2000 years ago. His is alive in you. That is where he is.

If you still got him back there resurrecting in the bible and in history that is the old covenant. The new covenant is Yahweh writing His Law in your heart and mind this time. See the difference? When it's happening to you, that is the reality. When it's happening back there, it's only a type and shadow. If the migratory trip is all really to point to what is happening within us, how about the rest of the stuff? See what I mean? Greater is He that is in you, than that which is in the world. Now do you see?

It's a spiritual resurrection and not a physical one. We know Yahweh comes down by the pattern into the flesh and returns by the same pattern by passing the veils which confirms that it will happen and is happening to us. By coming down into the flesh from the sperm and egg and falling into our physical minds, we are now resurrecting back to the Father in those divine attributes (Yahshua, the real Son). The resurrection is finding and knowing Yahweh. The death is not knowing where He really is. It's just that simple.

We all have come a mighty long way in our exodus out of the bondage of our own physical mind. We are still going through the death, burial and resurrection every time Yahweh reveals Himself to us as old things are still passing away (death) and behold things are still becoming new to us (resurrection). The divine vision is still active and has been unfolding since 1931. Just go back and see how Doc first taught in Lord, God and Jesus and how it has unfolded up to this present time and beyond. I have been in class since 1969 and it's still being revealed each and every day.

The purpose and plan of Yahweh is to resurrect Himself spiritually in our heart and mind (new covenant). We all died to our self and must come alive in the spiritual resurrection of Yahweh. As those divine attributes increase we are actually becoming those divine attributes as what they are is our spiritual understanding.

Once the resurrection takes place the ascension to the Father is next. I am Yahweh and so are you must follow as this is the next stage of development, ascending to the Father and becoming one with Him. Just as Yahweh is not up in the sky, so is Yahshua not back there 2000 years ago any more for I will appear in the cloud.

The resurrection is now being confirmed which means it is made certain as to truth, accuracy and validity, because it is happening to you now. Hello, you Yah. The Ark

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