Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Part 98..40 Plate Chart

Nobody saw Him come down. 63 generations from Adam down to Yahshua the Messiah. Yahweh came down, but nobody recognized Him. He came down from heaven and walked down through the pattern from the Court Around About (Ante-Diluvian Age) into the Holy Place (Post Diluvian Age) and then ascended into the Most Holy Place (Present Kingdom Age).

We didn't see Him come down either, in us. All we saw was the flesh. The sperm came down from heaven and we thought it came from our father's testicles. The egg came down from heaven and we thought it came down from out mother's ovaries. This is only where the sperm and egg showed up in the physical. Before that they were Spirit.

Little did we know that we all came from Yahweh Elohim (heaven) as it was Him who passed the veil from invisibility to visibility as He was the only one who had the power.

How does a seed appear in the testicles and the ovaries having the genetic code to make a human body? Where do they originally come from? What is their real source? Where does this intelligence really come from? How does a sperm and egg show up one day and get together to produce 100 trillion cells? Who is really doing this? Those divine attributes, that's what.

During puberty these seeds show up automatically. Boys start having wet dreams and girls have a show of blood. Are we doing anything here on a conscious level? No. Yahweh's just running His show. On day boys and girls started to look at each other and say, "Why you're not so bad after all. Come here let me give you a kiss."

The reproductive system starts automatically and even causes the desires as the hormones are released. Body temperature rises, eyes dilate and the whole body reacts to these invisible messengers. And we think we are doing something. Yeah right. See how much we don't know about our selves and then take the credit for all this. This is how Yahweh is getting His glory is by revealing Himself in all things which destroys our works of righteousness.

If you look in the womb before a male or female reproductive organs come into their shape and form, the cells are getting ready to grow either outwardly or inwardly. If they take the outwardly direction then the penis and testicles are formed. If they go inwardly then the clitoris and ovaries are created. But we all knew this don't we? Sure our parents told us or our teachers in school. I learned this from the Discovery channel when I was over 50 years old , as nobody I knew had ever heard of this.

Oh you must not talk about such things. Why not? Yahweh made them and we covered them up and said they were ours. I am talking about the beginning of life and the devil covers it over with condemnation, guilt and shame and stops you from investigating.

What Yahweh has cleansed call not thou uncommon. It has been cleansed by the washing of The Word. In other words it is being revealed that it's all Yahweh as the cover up is being exposed. The washing by The Word removes the filth we all thought. The church covers all this over so that you can't talk about it without feeling ashamed. Not me. The veils have been removed and I am going to talk about my Father's business regardless of what the carnal mind thinks. Anyway I am on the computer and I am invisible.

As our fathers were lifted up into a heavenly state produced by the orgasm, we came into this world in clouds of glory. I'm talking about Yahweh designing everything. Does this offend you? It shouldn't if your looking at Yahweh and His purpose. Yahweh is the one who designed how we are going to copulate. He provided all the necessary organs, the feeling and desire. Why, did you think you were doing something? We are all going along for the ride. It's Yahweh who is really doing all the works. Why even the penis can not rise without the blood and the message sent from the brain. Cut the nerve and nothing will happen. This is how we all came in folks and we didn't see Him come down.

And look how Yahweh made the penis. It has to resurrect before the seed of life can come out. In its limp state (serpent) only waste comes out. While Yahshua was in the flesh under the law the seed could not be poured out. It was after the resurrection that the Holy Spirit was poured out into their cloud. If you want to call this dirty , then it's only in your mind and has not been cleansed by The Word.

See nobody saw Him come down in us. We were blinded by our own physical mind. Now the resurrection has taken place in our heart and mind, we can see Him as He really is. Therefore there is NOW no condemnation. Why? Because we are in Him looking at Spirit materialized on the right side of the cross. If you are having any problems with this, then you are still under the left side.

You will only see Him resurrect in a vision as this is how He returns. The world thinks he resurrected in a physical body and that is why they still don't see that He is here. I see spirit materialized and not the concepts of the flesh any more. Adam and Eve covered up in the beginning and at the end all must be revealed. Yahweh is finished hiding the mystery of Himself.

You see this is what Yahweh is doing is revealing Himself as the all in all and as He does this, it will destroy the works of everything we claim to be ours. He has come down to reveal Himself as He really is and actually exist. The more He does this the more we will see that He is doing all things. Not some things , but the all in all, all things.

You know as you really get into the body you will be amazed at how much is going on that we really don't have any control over. We just think we do as the beautiful angel overshadows Yahweh's body. I told you in the beginning nobody saw Him come down.

I can see Him now because He has resurrected and poured out His Spirit on all flesh. The Ark

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